The invisible. But you can feel it.

Unobtrusive present 

His cooling effect unfolded the flowair discreetly in the background, or better said in the underground: it is hidden on the ground inside a plant overpot. Which has given him his name. Only his power cable and the unobtrusive air holes, make a special feature in the pot clos. Your flowair is not tied to a Location , but exactly where you need it. The advatage of this, is that you do not have a bulky device around your location, That is always in your way.

Standard colors


ROT                                                             RAL 3020


Blau                                                             RAL 5017


Gelb                                                             RAL 1003


Schwarz                                                     RAL 9011


Weiss                                                           RAL 9016



The Flowair is made of steel and is 50 cm high. Conial Ø 35 c; footprint  Ø 22 cm; cylindrical  Ø 22 cm.

On request, we will install the ventilation unit in a pot you have supplied.

Possible material are plastic, Wood, metal or clay




The Standard colors are red, blue, yellow, black White, ore stainless steel. We also supply the Flowair on request in any other colors.


Power supply:

12V, can be connected over a 230V socket or for example In the cigarette lighter of your camper.